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15 Jan 25


[ZT]'s Activity Status Box



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Server woo!

Today we have launched our new [ZT] Server for Battlefield 3, so all members of [ZT] get playing on there and spread the word that we have a server...a home.

With that we can kick start some clan wars and event weekends - we just need to get it busy and really work this server.

If you have any ideas for the server please post them up in the forum :D


Views: 891 | Added by: vade | Date: 30 Jan 12

Clan [ZT],

As you know we now have finallly fully moved to Battlefield 3. It's been a rough ride so far trying to sort the clan out and you could say it died....i'd like to think dorment. [ZT] on Halo Reach was quite successful but i think it's fair to say a console game vs a PC game is unparalleled in terms of skill. A controlller vs a mouse for pin point aiming.

SO, we have moved back to PC and to battlefield 3, we will have a server by Febuary and then we can recruit our asses of and rebuild this clan back to it's former glory :)

Zero Tolerance means Zero Tolerance ;)


Views: 884 | Added by: vade | Date: 16 Jan 12

[ZT] and Friends,

IF you havent relised by now that your mumble has died and got this wonderful message "a referral was returned from the server"

Have NO fear Vade is to the rescue > Hit the forums for more!



Views: 899 | Added by: vade | Date: 15 Jan 12

Clan [ZT].

If any of you are still active then [ZT] has now moved to Halo Reach on the xbox 360.
For a while myself XAERO and Master have been playing a vast amount of games to find one that is suited to [ZT]. Now as you may not know alot of games that have come out for the PC are what we called "consolefied" where games that come out on PC are infact built for consoles, a prime example would be the latest AVP.

Well we all got AVP and it lasted about a few months, the game looked very promising but failed to meet the requirments for a "skilled" game on PC.

After months of seraching for games and near giving up on the idea...then i saw an advert for Halo Reach and was taken by it i knew that this was the place for us.

So in short in the 5th age of [ZT] we have moved to Halo Reach on Xbox 360.

Join us if you can...

Views: 1075 | Added by: vade | Date: 30 Sep 10


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